Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Domestic Violence
Domestic violence actually occurs three times more frequently in divorce or separation situations than in intact households. Divorce almost appears to be a catching disease in police families. Another issue may be alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol and or drugs are frequently involved in cases of domestic violence. However, according to Megan Hubartt (2009) alcohol is a correlative of violence, not the cause. Lowered inhibitions certainly affect the seriousness of the abuse. While cases of domestic violence occur across every segment of society and in every age category, uniformed patrol officers and narcotics officers are reported to have higher rates of domestic abuse than other officers (Megan Hubartt, 2009). One of the problems is that fatigue seems to have a negative effect on self control. Officers working the night or swing shift and/or more than 50 hours per week, and those suffering from sleep deprivation and "burnout" are frequently involved in domestic violence.

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