Monday, September 28, 2009

Divorce/ Prevention
Police officers have one of the highest divorce rates when compared with other groups of professionals. Law enforcement officers and other first responders face extraordinary challenges in marriage and family relationships due to factors such as chronic job stress and irregular work schedules.
The development of interventions, specifically marriage education focused on improving the lives of law enforcement professionals, is a critical first step in this process. (Gary Westphal, 2009)
For these reasons, a program was developed in order to provide general marriage education for law enforcement officers and their spouses to enhance marital satisfaction and increase marriage skills. Westphal and Openshaw talk about this project called Law Enforcement Healthy Marriage and Family Project developed by the Mesquite Police Department.
The marriage education program is provided through retreats and weekly seminars. The present program involves four sessions that can be held during a weekend or in a few evenings over a period of four to five weeks. The MPD conducted a pilot program in which 30 officers and their spouses participated on three different occasions over a two-year period. A fourth program was then expanded to include 12 officers from three other law enforcement agencies and their spouses. (Gary Westphal, 2009).

Gary Westphal, Linda Openshaw. (2009, January). Law Enforcement Healthy Marriage
and Family Project. The Police Chief, 76(1), 48. Retrieved April 26, 2009, from Criminal Justice Periodicals database. (Document ID: 1636177811).

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