Thursday, December 3, 2009

Early Warnings

1) Pre‐Hire Screening and Investigation
Certification agencies and/or departments shall conduct thorough background investigations of all potential new employees using address history, driverʹs record, protection order database and a search on IADLEST. All candidates shall be asked if they have engaged in or been investigated for domestic violence and asked about any past arrests, suspended sentences, diversion programs, convictions, and protection orders related to elder abuse, child abuse, sexual assault, stalking, or domestic violence. Those candidates with a history of perpetrating violence (to include: elder abuse, child abuse, sexual assault, stalking, or domestic violence) should be screened out at this point in the hiring process. Candidates shall be clearly informed of the departmentʹs position of zero tolerance concerning domestic violence by officers.
2) Post Conditional Offer of Employment
The psychological screening of all viable candidates will focus on indicators of abusive tendencies in their background. Departments should strongly consider a no‐hire decision in the case of a candidate with tendencies indicative of abusive behavior.
3) Post‐Hire Intervention
When new officers are hired, the department shall reach out to their intimate partners/family members to introduce this policy and other relevant department policies. Departments should engage in periodic outreach to officers and their intimate partners/family members with information on this policy, the point of contact within the department and referrals for local support services.

4) Department Responsibilities
The department shall develop cross‐jurisdictional MOUs to ensure timely notification of an incident involving an officer. The department shall, either in response to observed warning signs or at the request of an officer, intimate partner, or other family member, provide non‐punitive avenues of assistance before an act of domestic violence occurs. The department shall inform officers of the procedure for seeking confidential referrals, either internally or externally, to confidential counseling services. A disclosure on the part of any officer, intimate partner or family member to any member of the department that an officer has personally engaged in domestic violence will be treated as an admission or report of a crime and shall be investigated both administratively and criminally.

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